
Gantry Cranes / Golliath Cranes

If the bridge is rigidly supported on two or more legs running on a fixed rail at ground level, the crane is called a gantry crane

A gantry crane is a crane built atop a gantry, which is a structure used to straddle an object or workspace. They can range from enormous "full" gantry cranes, capable of lifting some of the heaviest loads in the world, to small shop cranes, used for tasks such as lifting automobile engines out of vehicles.

Type of gantry cranes are available in either fixed or adjustable height models. Both types can be disassembled into three components for greater portability.

  • Gantry Crane are Mounting on four legs.
  • Semi Gantry Mounting on 2 legs.
  • Canti Leaver Single Side/Both Side.

It is used at Construction sites where shifting and moving of building blocks is required, ship building, workplaces where huge bridge cranes cannot be used due to height and weight constraints, steel plants, mills etc., Depending on the application, casters may be selected from a wide variety of sizes and styles. Casters are available from Bushman as optional equipment, or they may be provided by the purchaser.

It is also called portal cranes, the "portal" being the empty space straddled by the gantry.